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Policy on Diversity

Policy on Diversity

Agri-Tech eLearning Institute has made a multicultural, multiracial, and a gender-balanced student body a high priority. Agri-Tech eLearning Institute is, and will remain, very receptive to diversity within our institution. Agri-Tech eLearning Institute shall remain open to all races, genders, and ethnicities, and not judge these individuals on their content. Agri-Tech eLearning Institute strives to create and promote a welcoming environment to all individuals in order to retain and support a culturally diverse faculty and staff. The programs of Agri-Tech eLearning Institute as well aim to incorporate a diverse and multicultural community that upholds leadership and scholarship. We value all students, male or female, and view them as equals all making efforts to achieve their goals. We strive to provide support, guidance, and maintain excellence among every student within Agri-Tech eLearning Institute. All of the policies and procedures of Agri-Tech eLearning Institute are structured to encourage and promote diversity and individualism.